Dare to be Different
Founded by visionary entrepreneur David P. A. Mullings, Blue Mahoe Holdings, Inc. is focused on doing well and doing good via investments in opportunities with a Caribbean focus. We invest directly from our balance sheet and main holding is Blue Mahoe Capital, a private company investing across the Caribbean by giving retail investors access to opportunities, including affordable housing. We also own Blue Mahoe Finance, a private credit vehicle, manage Blue Mahoe Capital Appreciation, Blue Mahoe Caribbean REIT, Blue Mahoe Property Fund, own a minority stake in Diomedea Advisors based in The Bahamas, a significant minority stake in Sprint Financial Services Ltd. in Jamaica, a minority stake in 876 Technology Solutions Ltd. in Jamaica and own Realvibez Entertainment based in Florida with a subsidiary, Reelvibez Studios Ltd. in Jamaica.
The company primarily invests in Jamaica and The Bahamas but plans to expand into Barbados and Guyana with other CARICOM countries to follow. The region is overlooked and the perception is that small islands means small profits. We get excited about about industries, countries and regions when the following 3 things are present:
perception is different from reality
lack of equity capital flowing in
inefficiencies are present
Our investment framework is based on the philosophy of Warren Buffett and we evaluate all opportunities based on his approach to investing. Blue Mahoe Holdings operates as a single family office for the Mullings Family and is chaired by David P. A. Mullings with Catherine Goodall-Jackson as Vice Chair.
Our strategic partners include: